Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Some Tag Game

Kat tagged me - 6 weird things/habits about me:

1. I like to eat things in 4's (chips, candy, fries).
2. I never take off my wedding ring, except to get cleaned (once every six months).
3. I wait to do all of my assignemnts until the night before they are due.
4. I come home from work, take the browns to the SuperBowl, and check my 6 blogs daily.
5. I check my email every free moment in my day.
6. I say the word "next" on average 150 times a day.

Consider you, me, and any other retard that reads my post TAGGED. Does anyone read my posts?


Erika said...

I do! <3

Nikki said...

I do too!