Tuesday, March 28, 2006

EC is a tease!

Yes...everyone already knew that. Yesterday she
emailed me at work to tell me that she had not felt
the baby moving very much. She called the Doctor and
he said to try to eat something and see if there were
any changes. There wasn't much change, so after
dinner we went to the hospital.

At the hospital, she got hooked up to a monitor that
showed the baby's heartbeat and her contractions. The
baby was doing fine and she was having contractions.
They were light and not consistent. They did an
internal...which was HOTT! EC has dialated to 1cm and
is 50% efaced. What does that mean you ask? It means
that she is making progress.

Good news and bad news. Good is that we are getting
closer to baby time. Bad is that her parents have
decided to come up today instead of Thursday. We
called them after we got back from the hospital and
they decided to come up. Anyway that was the
excitement from yesterday.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

FU George Mason

I do not know if you all are watching the NCAA tournament or not but George Mason University has to stop winning. Sure, I cheer on the underdog, but this has gone on long enough. For those of you who do not follow the sport of basketball, GMU is a small D1 school. They made it into the Final Four tonight by beating #1 seed UConn. They beat #6 seed Michigan State in the first round. Then they beat the Tarheels (good for them). Then they beat Wichita State (no suprise there). Honestly...good for them. I am happy for them, but this area of Northern Virginia has the biggest bunch of front runners in the world.

Yes, we live 15 minutes from GMU. Nobody around here gives a shit about GMU until they win a few basketball games. There was a girl on the news the other day said, "My degree never meant anything before, but now it does." Dumb Biatch! It is a good size school, but most of its students are commuter students who live in the area that are not smart enough to go somewhere away from home. Don't get me wrong, thye probably have smart people there, but everyone goes there. When I was in high school, everyone got accepted to Virginia Tech, JMU, and Radford. I got into all three, but decided to go to an even worse school.

Back to the front runners...people in this area love the Redskins. If the Redskins win one game, they are automatically going to the Super Bowl. All season long, they talk about the playoffs. Who gives a shit? You win some, you lose some. Celebrate after they win all of the games! So "IF" Georeg Mason wins the championship game, THEN celebrate. Until then...SHUT THE FUCK UP!

If my stupid ass college, won the D3 championship in any sport, I would not give 2 shits about them. They might go D2, but even if they won that I would not care.

GO GATORS next week. Beat those damn Patriots!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

AD job

The AD job is supposed to close today. I am hoping that means they will stop taking applications and start setting up interviews. I talked with another AD last week to get some good info for a possible interview. He kept hinting that I might need to get to the high school level and then move into an AD position when it opens up. I can see where he is coming from, but I have had 3 different teaching jobs in 4 years. If I keep hopping around, people will think that I do not like what I do. I think if I were to get this job, I would be happy for a long time. I know that I would definitely be happy with the salary. I guess the next step after that would be a principal or superintendent.

Wish me luck with the whole thing. I just want an interview. I can handle my own in the "board room." I can charm just about anyone. I can see the guy now saying, " J, you're hired!"

Father to son

I had the first father to son talk tonight. I told the baby "Edd" that mommy and I are ready for him to come out now. I told him that he will be taking orders from us for a minimum of the next 18 years, so consider this his first order. I told him to come out. I said this Saturday would be good (25th) because Uncle K would be in town. Sunday would be bad because that I my dad's birthday and we just do not want that.

If the baby does not listen and does not come this weekend...is that grounds for a first spanking?

Uncle K has decided to become a triathlete. His first triathlon is on April 2nd (the due date). We talked on the phone today and he said that he would be carrying his phone during the race. He said it would be funny to get a call on his bike and him have to pull a U-turn to get up here. We shall see.

It's a mental thing

I have a theory...I think that EC is MENTALLY holding the baby in. I know it sounds odd, but hear me out. When we were trying to get pregnant, we talked about why we thought that it took so long (6 plus months) to get pregnant. We came up with a theory then that it was a "mental thing". We made ourselves believe that we were physically, mentally, etc. ready to have a baby. Sure lots of people say they are ready to have a baby when they are trying. But do they truly convince their bodies that they are. Either I am Super Sperm Man or we convinced ourselves that we were ready. I think that we convinced ourselves. God knows I suck at sex! Then again, all I had to do was get the sperm in there...any monkey playing with himself can do that.

Back to the "mental thing." EC's parents come in town on the night of the 30th. We have both said over and over that we are ready for the baby to come. I am phsyically, mentally, and all of the above ready for the baby to come. EC is physically ready for the baby to come out, but in the back of her mind she wants her parents to be here when it happens. I want them to be here too, but I cannot please everyone. The baby is not in me, so I do not think that my brain power has anything to do with anything at this point.

I am predicting that the baby will be born at some point on March 31st. I think after Erika sees her parents on the 30th her body will relax and let the baby slide on out on the 31st. Now, if the body waits too long on the 31st, and it carries over to April 1st...god help us all. EC will be pissed. If I were a betting man...oh wait, I am. I would say. "put your money on the 31st."

I have told my theory to many people and they say they can see where I am coming from. I told this to a mother earlier tonight and she said that there is no mental factor involved. She said that she was ready and the baby came when it wanted to. I do not think she was truly ready, but that is just me. I figure if Dr. Phil can spout out common sense shit and be thought a genius, then I can come up with random shit and do the same. Let's see how my theory stands up to test.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Video monitor

We got our video baby monitor in the mail today. Mr. S and Nikki love us or something. I have not played with it yet, but it looks pretty neat. I think it will also be neat to set up when we have guests and spy on them. We shall see what kind of ideas I come up with. Thanks Nikki and Mr. S.

Aww...how touching

I just finsihed typing a paper that is due tomorrow and it is not quite 2 in the morning so I figured I would waste a few minutes. I went to a funeral today of one of my former basketball player's dad. Did you get that? I went the line and shook everyone's hand and so on. I finally got over to the girl and she and her friend were all sitting down pouting. I came over and they brightened up a little bit. Then one of them asked if I had heard about teh Varsity basketball coach resigning. I told them that I had. They proceeded to ask if I would or was going to come back and coach them. I told them that I applied for the position and they started to get excited. I told them not to get too excited because I only applied...I did not necessarily get the job. I was touching to see that they wanted me to be their coach.

The girl is in 10th grade and her brother is in 8th (I think). Her dad was 52...would have been 53 on the 29th. He was one of my biggest supporters as a basketball coach. At least he got to know that his daughter was going to have a new coach next year before he passed away.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Post asshole!

Does it bother anyone else or just me when someone does not post everyday or at least consistently? I know I do not post everyday, but I do it often enough. Someone tell Mr. S to post. I am feeling gay being the only male in our circle of friends who posts.

One more thing...if you post, please post before 4pm EST maybe 5pm. I like to come home and check my blogs because they are blocked at work. If I can read them all then, then I do not have to check them over and over again all night.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Some Tag Game

Kat tagged me - 6 weird things/habits about me:

1. I like to eat things in 4's (chips, candy, fries).
2. I never take off my wedding ring, except to get cleaned (once every six months).
3. I wait to do all of my assignemnts until the night before they are due.
4. I come home from work, take the browns to the SuperBowl, and check my 6 blogs daily.
5. I check my email every free moment in my day.
6. I say the word "next" on average 150 times a day.

Consider you, me, and any other retard that reads my post TAGGED. Does anyone read my posts?

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Hi Baby!

I just wanted to do a quick post to show everyone what the baby is doing today. He is swimming. I think he is hiding his fingers and toes. Anyway...HI BABY!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Appointment update

I just wanted everyone to know that my physical today went well. After my eye exam, I was worried that I would now be diagnosed with some sort of STD, but not today. Everything checked out. I did not have to get a rectal, which is awesome! It is odd enough having a the guy feel my balls..I definitely did not need a finger up my ass.

The best part of the physical was to find out that I have not gained any weight in the past 9 months (no sympathy pounds for me). I also enjoyed when they drew blood. Needles used (notice the "d" at the end of the word "used") to make me a bit ill. Today, I sat there and stared at the needle as it was drove into my arm. It was a thick needle. It looked like a straw with a 45 degree cut on the end. You could here a little pop when it broke the skin. Anyway, I am all checked up and ready to go.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I am never satisfied

I saw a memo posted on the bulletin board at school today. There are 2 Director of Student Activities positions open in the county in which I teach. Director of Student Activities is a long way of saying Athletic Director. I guess there is more to it than athletics, but the bulk is athletics. I am not sure if I am 100% qualified, but I would love to have the job. I would no longer be able to coach, but it would be like bing in charge of every sport. The pay would be almost double of what I am making now. I do not know what it is, but I am never satisfied with what I have. I like the job that I have now, but want this new one. I like my truck, but would like a bigger one. I like my motorcycle, but would rather have a Harley. I like my wife, but Jennifer Aniston is pretty hot too. J/K on that one, but JA is hot! Wish me luck. Even if I do not get the position, I would still like to interview for it so I can get that experience.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Train's Flooring

So my BIL and I put down laminate hardwood flooring at my mom's house this past weekend. It turned out pretty well. It did not go as bad as I thought it might. Anything is an improvemnt from what it was before. My mom is pleased and that is all that matters. We still need to do the trim. I want to do it at my house, but all of the rooms are either real hardwood or carpet. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Check out the pictures below. I am up for hire if you have the money.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Funniest thing of the day

E and I went to my school's happy hour today. I had her hold my driver's license, credit card, and a $20 bill. When the bill came, it was only $12. Yes, I drank more than $12 worth, but I know people and get the hook up where ever I go. I paid with the $20 bill and got back seven $1 bills. I left $4 as a tip. We were getting ready to walk out and E touched the money on the table. It was damp...hello we were in a bar. She asks me, "Is that wet from being in my pocket?".

This was funny for two reasons. (1) She is always complaining that she sweats because she is pregnant. (2) She was holding a $20 bill, not ones. Sometimes you wonder how someone can be so smart, but at the same time not very bright. I guess it was just the moment. She is the smarter of the two of us.

It's about F***ing time!

My brother called me tonight to inform me that the Girls' Varsity Basketball coach at my old high school resigned this week. Let's get a recap really quick. He coached there for 12 years and had 12 losing seasons. This last year he won the first three games of season and then lost the last 22 games. I have posted about this before.

I just sent an email to the AD and the principal asking them what the application process was for this position. Do you think I will get a response? I am not counting on one. Did I want to say "I TOLD YOU SO!"? I sure as hell did. I just want to go through the interview process and see how much tention is in the air. I would love to get that position and turn the program around in one year. I doubt that I would leave my current job, but you never can tell what tomorrow might bring. The rumor is that the assistant coach has already thrown her name in the hat. She is as horrible as he is. She was his assistant for a majority of those years. Her record is just as bas as his is. I will keep you posted.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Thursday Recap

I got out of bed at 7 o'clock. I have to be at school at 7:30 on T, W, and TH. I showered, changed clothes, fed the dogs, made lunch, and got to school by 7:28. I only live 1 mile from school, so I go that going for me. I have to be at school early for this before school program where I get paid $40 an hour extra to sit on my ass in the computer room. I turn on all of the computers and get the internet set to an educational favorites site and let the kids go wild. I usually check my email and check in on my graduate classes.

Today was Dr. Seuss's birthday or some shit like that. The kids and staff were encouraged to dress up like their favorite character from any book. This week is Read Across America Week. Would I know this if I did not work at an elementary school? Hell no! I do not read books. I did not dress up, because I do not have time for that worthless shit. They served green eggs and ham for breakfast, which was not too bad. I am in good with the cafeteria staff, so I always get to eat for free.

I taught a shooting lesson with the 2nd and 3rd graders. I did not have 4th and 5th grade today. I taught one handed form shooting and the kids did well. I even told the kids that they could bring up their guide hand to stabilise the ball, but most of the chose to continue to form shoot because they had the hang of it. Yes, there were those kids who thought that they knew everything and as soon as I gave them some slack, they started that two handed, push from the chest shit. The K and 1st graders played with the juggling scarves. Those little kids eat that shit up. I am a GOD to those kids.

Like I said earlier, I made my lunch this morning, but they were serving chili for lunch. I love me some chili. So I bought lunch and will save the PBJ for tomorrow. While at lunch, one of the lovely single women I eat with suggested a happy hour after school on Friday. I am not one to turn down alcohol even though I already had plans for the Friday. I am the party coordinator at my school. Anyone can send out an email, but they count on me to spread the word. Yes, I cleared it through E first. We are going to Chilis. They have a good happy hour: $2 rails, $2 draft, free wings, and free chips and salsa. It should be a good time.

After school, I did the after school program where I get paid $40 an hour again. All I do if have some kind of physical activity ready for the kids and we go at it for 1.5 hours. Today I threw out the basketballs and shot around. I think next week, I might teach them how to play beer pong (minus the beer). I then came home and read my daily blogs (E, G, K, K, N, and Mr. S). I cannot read them at work because it is one of the restricted sites. I can post by emailing my blog, but I am too lazy to do it. Atfer reading my blogs, I made dinner. We had ham and mac and cheese.

After dinner, I went to my favorite store (THE HOME DEPOT) and bought a new saw blade. I got a 10 inch, 40 teeth, Freud Diablo blade (recommended by Mr. S). My BIL and I are putting in fake hardwood flooring this weekend and my parents house. It should be interesting. I have never done any mechanical type work with him. I hope it goes quickly and smoothly. I am sure I could do it myself, butit helps to have a partner. Then, I watched Survivor (same as any other episode). E and I went to McDonalds for McFlurrys and now I am posting.

Have a good one, I will try to post more often, so I do not write so much at one time. PEACE MONKEYS!

The middle finger

I have a split on the end of my middle finger. I have really dry skin (as if you care). I think my hands got so dry that the other day my finger split open. It pisses me off when I type. I have a pretty high pain tolerance, so this is not really painful, just irritating. I have been doing the "man thing" the past few days and just letting it be. Tonight I decided if I want to get back into blogging and typing everyday, I better do something about it. I put some Neosporin and a bandaid on it a few minutes ago. The bandaid actually cushions my finger from the impact on the keyboard.

We have a new keyboard. About a month ago I was up late typing a paper for my graduate class and spilt my tea in the keyboard. The next day some of the keys stuck when I tried to type. I then took it upon myself to order a new keyboard on the internet. Of course I went to my favorite website www.pricegrabber.com. Our entire computer is black, so I had to order a black keyboard. I did not realize how long it was going to take to get the keyboard until I clicked the "finish order" button. I took a month to get here. It is a Microsoft keyboard that came from Gateway. WTF ever!

Explosive Story

E and I were watching the CBS evening news tonight and the dumbass anchorman, Bob Schieffer, well...was a dumbass. News people are always trying to make a play on words, and he tried as well, but he did not have the best choice of words. Here is Bob's intro to his report on suicide bombers: "And now we go to an explosive story on suicide bombers." What an idiot! Seriously, did he realize what he was saying?