Friday, March 03, 2006

Funniest thing of the day

E and I went to my school's happy hour today. I had her hold my driver's license, credit card, and a $20 bill. When the bill came, it was only $12. Yes, I drank more than $12 worth, but I know people and get the hook up where ever I go. I paid with the $20 bill and got back seven $1 bills. I left $4 as a tip. We were getting ready to walk out and E touched the money on the table. It was damp...hello we were in a bar. She asks me, "Is that wet from being in my pocket?".

This was funny for two reasons. (1) She is always complaining that she sweats because she is pregnant. (2) She was holding a $20 bill, not ones. Sometimes you wonder how someone can be so smart, but at the same time not very bright. I guess it was just the moment. She is the smarter of the two of us.


Kat said...

I have one to beat that. My future sister-in-law, my brother-in-law and R were at Carlos O'Kelley's. Future SIL wanted the two enchilada (spelling?) meal. She asks the waiter, "how many enchilada's come in the two enchilada meal?"

Anonymous said...

Your not kidding, E is the smarter one in this couple! ;)