Saturday, April 29, 2006

What caption would you use?

Feel free to add your own caption:

"Praise the Lord!"
"It's good!"
"I once caught a fish this big..."
"Hey baby, have you ever seen 12 inches?"
"Use the force Luke...use the force."
"You got to rise upa!"
"Which one is my middle finger?"

Add your captions in the comments.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Oh yeah...the baby

Someone will not get off my back about not posting about the baby.

So...we had one! Check out Erika's blog for the details.

What would you do?

About a month ago, E and I were going out for breakfast and there were cops showing up at this one house. The giant window out front was busted in people were upset in the front yard. When we came back, there were 2 cop cars, a cop SUV, and an animal control truck. Outside of the truck was a rifle case with no gun in it. I started asking people at work to check the police briefs in the paper. Finally, someone said that 4 mexicans had broken into the house beat up the people inside. That never did explain the animal control people, but I went on with my life.

Today, a lady told me that she was told by the resident in that house what really happened. The story goes...a deer was prancing down the front yards of all of these houses and when it got to this house, it took a sharp turn through the front window. Yes, the turn was a right angle turn AND the glass was sharp.

So I ask...WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Would you have called the police? If so, when? I would like to think that I would have disposed of the animal with extreme prejudice. I know that I have more than enough guns to do the job. Diesel (one of our dogs) probably would have gone apeshit, but the deer probably would held its own. The have razor like hooves. I could have taken care of the problem up close and personal with my Taurus 9mm or up close with 30-06, 30-30, shotguns, bow and arrow. Hell I might have gone Rambo style with a few big hunting knives.

OK...OK...I would probably call the police, but if that deer started to mess shit up, all I can say is...HE GONE! Maybe...SHE GONE!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Longest weekend of my life

This was the longest weekend of my life. The whole
world was anxiously waiting for Little E to be born.
I did not sleep very well except for Saturday. I was
up until 4am Friday night and took a Tylenol PM to
fall asleep. Then I slept all night Saturday because
I was so damn tired from not sleeping on Friday. I
was up late last night as well. I was going to get up
and go jogging this morning, but was paralyzed from
lack of sleep.

Now here I sit starting what will probably be the
longest week of my life. I have only been in the
school building for about 5 minutes and have been
asked by every person that I have seen if the baby
came yet. Let's add another douche bag to the
list...just asked.

Let's think about this douche bags...if the baby was
here, do you think that I would be here? Even if it
came last Friday and I was at the hospital all
weekend, don't you think that I would have picture and
be doing cartwheels, so you would not have to ask me.
--- Peace monkeys!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Tick Tock Tick Tock

The clock keeps going, the one on the wall that is. Our countdown clock came to all zeros around midnight last night. Now it is counting up, so we can tell how far late we are. We made it past April Fool's Day, which is a good thing. So now it is time for the baby to come on time. My theory about it being a mental thing was totally wrong! I thought it was a good theory. I have some new theories though, but they are more like random thoughts:

1. If you are a baby that comes extremely late, you will one of those people who are late for everything in life. I do not know if this one will hold water, but I thought I would throw it out there.

2. Maybe EC is holding the baby in there, so it gets big enough to have a C-section. Again, doubt it is true, but she has stated that see would not mind a c-section.