Friday, March 10, 2006

Appointment update

I just wanted everyone to know that my physical today went well. After my eye exam, I was worried that I would now be diagnosed with some sort of STD, but not today. Everything checked out. I did not have to get a rectal, which is awesome! It is odd enough having a the guy feel my balls..I definitely did not need a finger up my ass.

The best part of the physical was to find out that I have not gained any weight in the past 9 months (no sympathy pounds for me). I also enjoyed when they drew blood. Needles used (notice the "d" at the end of the word "used") to make me a bit ill. Today, I sat there and stared at the needle as it was drove into my arm. It was a thick needle. It looked like a straw with a 45 degree cut on the end. You could here a little pop when it broke the skin. Anyway, I am all checked up and ready to go.

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