Thursday, March 02, 2006

The middle finger

I have a split on the end of my middle finger. I have really dry skin (as if you care). I think my hands got so dry that the other day my finger split open. It pisses me off when I type. I have a pretty high pain tolerance, so this is not really painful, just irritating. I have been doing the "man thing" the past few days and just letting it be. Tonight I decided if I want to get back into blogging and typing everyday, I better do something about it. I put some Neosporin and a bandaid on it a few minutes ago. The bandaid actually cushions my finger from the impact on the keyboard.

We have a new keyboard. About a month ago I was up late typing a paper for my graduate class and spilt my tea in the keyboard. The next day some of the keys stuck when I tried to type. I then took it upon myself to order a new keyboard on the internet. Of course I went to my favorite website Our entire computer is black, so I had to order a black keyboard. I did not realize how long it was going to take to get the keyboard until I clicked the "finish order" button. I took a month to get here. It is a Microsoft keyboard that came from Gateway. WTF ever!

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