Friday, June 30, 2006


That's right the World Cup is back on today, which means I have something to watch on TV. SO the agenda for today is as follows: World Cup (11am), bank, Koons Honda to look for a bargain, Old Navy to return something, and the more World Cup (3pm). I will probably feed the baby in there at some point. I might just let the dogs handle the situation.
E has been good today. We got started a little earlier than usual, but we are surviving. Above is a picture of E holding onto his horsey before he threw him off the changing table. Below is a picture of what happens if you squeeze the horsey to tight. EEEEWWWW!!!!
PEACE Monkeys!


Erika said...

That's disgusting. But I like his outfit today.

Bear said...

I think it's comforting and refreshing that I'm not the only Dad out there who took a picture of a dirty diaper!

Do you fill with pride when he fills his diaper? Weird, huh?

Anonymous said...

Do not squeeze too tight!