Thursday, June 29, 2006

Day 2 of SAHD

Here is Evan's outfit for today. He woke up before mommy left for work. She changed him and I fed him. Then we slept in the big bed and layed around until 9am. I changed Evan's clothes and we went downstairs to check out what was on TV. He was crying while I was putting all of the bottles together, so I gave him a bottle and he was fine. Then as he was on the couch, he fell alseep again. I took him upstairs to the big bed so I could take a shower and now here I am. I think I hear him making noise. I will go check on him. We have PT at 130pm.

Peace monkeys!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

So cool that you are a SAHD. My Husband is planning on staying home after our 2nd is born he is really looking forward to it. I can't wait to hear more your SAHD adventures best of luck to you and your little boy, he sure is a cutie!!!