Friday, February 24, 2006

Hey 4 Eyes...

When was the last time you went to the eye doctor? I cannot remember the last time I went to one. I know I did not go to one in middle school, high school, or college. I would say that takes me back a good 15+ years. E and I decided (mostly E) that it would be a good idea if I went to the doctor to get a physical, the dentist to get a check up, and the eye doctor to do the same. She wanted me to make sure that I was in top shape for the future.

Is there any doubt? Hello...I got you pregnant in the first month once you got off the pill. I can open anything with my teeth. I can even read small print off a wall across the room. Case closed in my book.

Anyway...I was supposed to accomplish all of my testing before the end of February. Of course I procrastinated. I did get the eye exam today. Like I said, I do not remember the last time I had one, so I did not know what to expect. How do they expect you to she shit when they make you stare into the sun? My right eye is perfect, but my left I eye is retarded or something. I made it through many years of testing spouting out the letters on the eye exam and the repeating those same letters for the other eye. I was told to do the test honestly and I did. What did that get me...GLASSES.

The doctor said I could get glasses if I wanted to do so and that I have great insurance so I might as well use it. Even though it was a big blow to my ego, I did decide to pick out a pair of glasses. Yes...being the Jew that I am, I did pick the cheapest ones. I should have them next week. The doctor said that I could do without, because my right eye is strong enough to compensate for the left eye. She said it would be a good idea to wear them while driving at night.

Back to the ego thing. My older sister and I have always prided ourselves to being the only ones in the family, not in glasses. F that now! All this time, I thought I was perfect. Now, I will be in glasses (at least while driving). When your ego is as big as mine, it probably is good to get knocked down a peg every now and then. Don't you worry, it is still bigger than yours. I guess I will have to shoot for the sophisticated look now.

The way things are going, I might go to my physical and the doctor will tell me that I have AIDS or syphilis. Hell, why not both? I will keep you posted...that appointment is on March 10th.

1 comment:

Kat said...

Welcome to the world of being 4 eyed. In response to your comment last week, no you aren't gay for liking Grey's. R is just as into it as I am and I think that goes for a lot of guys, they just don't want to admit it.