Wednesday, March 22, 2006

AD job

The AD job is supposed to close today. I am hoping that means they will stop taking applications and start setting up interviews. I talked with another AD last week to get some good info for a possible interview. He kept hinting that I might need to get to the high school level and then move into an AD position when it opens up. I can see where he is coming from, but I have had 3 different teaching jobs in 4 years. If I keep hopping around, people will think that I do not like what I do. I think if I were to get this job, I would be happy for a long time. I know that I would definitely be happy with the salary. I guess the next step after that would be a principal or superintendent.

Wish me luck with the whole thing. I just want an interview. I can handle my own in the "board room." I can charm just about anyone. I can see the guy now saying, " J, you're hired!"


Kat said...

Athletic Director. Good Luck J, is this the school in FR?

Nikki said...

Good luck!